

WHAT ARE MOOCs? MOOC - Stands for Massive Open Online Course. Are free online courses available for anyone to enroll. This provides everyone with accessible, flexible and affordable ways to learn, advance in career, and deliver a quality educational experience. It is a model for delivering content/learning online to anyone who wants to take a course. COMMON COURSES AVAILABLE ON MOOCS: Accounting courses Area studies courses  Business and Management courses Chemistry courses  Computer Programming courses Computer Science courses Creative Arts courses  Current Events courses Data Science courses  Design courses  Education courses Engineering courses Entrepreneur courses Finance courses  Investing courses  Language courses  Health and Wellness courses Humanities courses Marketing courses Mathematics courses  Media Studies courses Physics courses Professional Development courses Software Development courses Social Science ...


The only barrier to block the teaching - learning process is lack of determination. Not even a pandemic will stop education and the acquisition of knowledge. the teaching and learning process have to be modified prior to the changes the COVID-19 pandemic has incurred. Fortunately, blended learning and MOOCs are introduced to the learners. What is BLENDED LEARNING? Blended Learning - may also be called "Flipped classroom", "mixed learning" and "hybrid learning". It is a learning approach of having the class held online with an instructor. It is characterized by form of videos accessible during, after and outside class. The teaching process is in a virtual classroom. It utilizes videos, digitalized materials, online assessments and exercises, presentations and formative assessments to practice teaching and learning. TYPES OF BLENDED LEARNING MODEL: These models are used to approach this type of learning. 1. FLIPPED MODEL - Instructor...